Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Three Things I Loved and Learned at Bloggy Boot Camp Minneapolis

    Three Things I Loved and Learned at Bloggy Boot Camp Minneapolis

    Ever been to a conference where you didn’t have a problem staying awake the ENTIRE day?  Me neither – until last Saturday. I attended my first blog conference, Bloggy Boot Camp, in Minneapolis, and not once did I have to worry if I was doing the head bobbing thing and making a fool of myself […]

  • Chocolate Chip Cookie Brownies

    Chocolate Chip Cookie Brownies

    If you combine two of my favorite desserts – a chocolate chip cookie and a brownie – what do you get?  A Chocolate Chip Cookie Brownie! I know I’ve been a little dessert heavy here on the blog and I promise to throw in some other stuff within the next month or two but these […]

  • Candy Corn Fudge

    Candy Corn Fudge

    When I think of fudge, I think of Christmas.  Then Pinterest changed my mind.  I typed in “candy corn” and up came images of candy corn fudge. Who would have thunk? Not me. That’s because I don’t think far enough outside of the box.  I peek outside every now and then, but thinking totally outside […]

  • Whoooo is ready for Fall and Owl Cupcakes?

    Whoooo is ready for Fall and Owl Cupcakes?

    Follow my blog with Bloglovin   Whooooo is ready for fall?  I am!  I am! Fall is my favorite season of the year.  Cool nights, warm days, changing foliage, apple cider. There is just something about fall that makes me OK with saying goodbye to summer but yet not ready to say hello to winter.

  • A Healthy School Snack to Slow Down Time

    A Healthy School Snack to Slow Down Time

    Do you ever wish time would slow down? Most days I’m OK with the time that passes. But then there are days when I look in the mirror and say, “Hey lady, where did you come from?” I look at my kids and think “Golly, they were all babies just yesterday.”

Got any book recommendations?